Friday, September 10, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things

Shane has been gone for 11 days now. It has been....I don't even know the right word for it. Taking care of the girls, taking care of the house, not going insane...let's just say it has taken some getting used to. :) So through all the crazy,  I've been been trying to keep track of the things that make me happy. Things that help me realize how good my life really is.
How can you even look at this face and not instantly be filled with joy?? 
Thank you Steve and Melissa for introducing my kids to The Backyardigans! They love this show and when I need a little quiet time...this does the trick.'s not irritating like Barney. It's actually really cute and I usually end up singing along.  Heidi likes to dance with them when they dance and Natalie likes to pretend what they pretend. It's great!
The girls just started liking popsicles. We have tried giving them to the girls before but they never wanted them. Now...they love them! Yay! The other day we sat outside and all had popsicles together. It was a great end to the day. 
I went to the Christian bookstore and while the guy was finding a book for me, I found a discount wall of books. A whole wall!! It was so much fun! I had to control myself and only get a few books. These should last me a little while at least. :) I love books...definitely something that makes me happy!
While Shane is gone, I am mowing the lawn. Crazy, I know! I have never actually mowed a lawn before today but this morning I did it! I was so proud of myself. I mowed the front and back and it only took about 45 min. And it was a GREAT workout!! Yay for me!
 Daddy was practicing with Nat before her game. She was having so much fun with him. He kept trying to get the ball from her and she would take it back and make a goal.
The best part of the whole day was watching Natalie play her soccer game. The coach was away for a wedding and one of the moms filled in. She was amazing! The regular coach is good but you could tell that the fill in coach was a mom. She was soo good with the kids! This is the most fun Natalie has had playing soccer all season. The coach was out there encouraging the kids, keeping them focused on the game and giving them high fives. Natalie didn't have much conact with the ball but she ran all over the field with the other kids. Smiling away while we cheered for her. Makes a momma proud. :)

1 comment:

Kirk said...

Nice to see you on your Blog, the pictures are great too. Love you. Daddy